hye guys...
FYI, i really love this KASUT..sbb kesukaran tuk dapatkannya mmbuatkan i syg kot..it takes for 3weeks to arrived after payment made.Lame tu..biasela, name pon beli online.
But after dh dpt, n try KASUT ni, sgt sedih sbb kaki ku kurang inci..mase beli rase dh betul measure, tp bile dh try, kasut ni besar beberapa cm je..lebih kurang 1-1.5cm,jd tk fit betul2.
thats y la i hv to let go this KASUT. Never worn, just trying purpose. Sedihkan..for more info this KASUT boleh KLIK sini.
KASUT info~~~
Color : CLOUDY GREY (pict no3)
Size : 5 ( sila ukur di sini )
Height : 4"
Ori price : RM170 + RM8(pos) = RM178
Selling at : ONLY RM95 (include postage)
Condition : 10/10 (never worn, trying purpose only)
interested >???
email at niairwana@gmail.com